Billionaires & ballot bandits

Billionaires & ballot bandits

An incredibly disturbing and rage-inducing book that should be a must-read for every American citizen. Palast's deep investigative reporting produces facts and solid figures about just how elections are being bought–on both sides of the aisle. He also arms the reader with ample information on how to stop this from happening. Hint: it's definitely not through armchair apathy.

It's not like I didn't already know that ballot banditry was happening and a big problem. But the depths to which it goes, who's behind it all, and WHY, well, that's what's really sick about it all. I like to believe that people are generally good and often do stupid things that they think are in their (and your) best interest. But I can't see how the Ice Man, the Vulture, the Koch brothers, et. al. could possibly be good human beings after reading this treatise.

Read this book before the election. Then send it to all your friends.

October 26, 2012