Average rating3.9
Bird Box is the hit I never saw coming. Even though I didn't go into it blind, having already caught the Bird Box madness when Netflix released their film adaptation, I nevertheless found reading the book to be a worthwhile experience. Malorie proved to be a compelling character who managed to overcome my initial unfavorable impression as the book progressed. There's something frightening about what is unseen and unknown. There's also some frustrating in reading a book about mysterious creatures and having those remain remain unknown and unexplained the whole time. I'm hoping to learn more about the creatures in the sequel. One of my complaints about the film was this lack of clarity about the creatures, and the book did little to clear it up. That's not to say that Malerman's book has no surprises for those who've seen the film, but in this particular respect no additional explanation was offered. I enjoyed the dark tone of the book, and found the idea of what people will do in order to survive to be especially relevant today. Highly recommend. Read the book and watch the movie.