I had a hard time with all the characters and their names. The two that stood out to me the most were Kamau & Penny. I enjoyed Kamau and her willingness to protect those weaker than her. Penny was a character that I related to the most, she is sent to Bitch Planet for all types of charges, but one that was absurd was wanton obesity.

In this world, women who don't confirm are sent to Bitch Planet. Back talker? Disrespectful to your husband? Too loud? Too old? Auxiliary Compliance Outpost, aka ACO, aka Bitch Planet is where you go. I look forward to reading the remainder of the series, I hope for a happy ending though.

Artwork is top notch, although I do wish it was a bit more vibrant.

One note, semi spoiler. All of the guards wear this type of face mask that protects their face, thus making them look all the same. However, one can assume that they are all men. The female guard doesn't have a mask because she is trying to gain their trust. Is she truly a guard? Is a plant from the “Fathers”?

October 16, 2018