Black Panther: World of Wakanda

Black Panther: World of Wakanda

2017 • 144 pages

(read as single issues)

whispers I thought the first volume of TNC's Black Panther was really confusing and hard to follow

normal volume But I subscribed to this anyway, because Roxane Gay. And I was correct to do so! I loved this book, and Ayo and Aneka's romance was so fun and beautiful.

I think a person (a person who is not a die-hard Black Panther fan but is interested!) could pick this up without reading the Black Panther series that this is technically a prequel to, since honestly....that series had left me with more questions. But finishing World of Wakanda made me want to go back and revisit Black Panther. PLEASE, ROXANE GAY WRITE MORE COMICS.

July 1, 2017