Black Swan

Black Swan

417 pages

Only this author can get me to 5 Star a book where the main characters are apart for the ENTIRE book. (lol) Black Swan picks up from the end of the previous book and covers around six years of this couple's separation...I think. There were timeline issues with my ARC copy, that I assume will be cleared up in the final editing. But this book covered a lot of the DEN years.

Whereas I found the previous book to be a little slow and drawn out this book took off running from the start and didn't stop. The quality of writing remained top notch. The plot was engaging and intricate. There was a lot going on in this book. Twists and turns. Manipulations. Secrets. Heartbreak. We see a bunch of characters from this author's other books. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to go back and read ALL her books, so if anyone knows if Jackal has his own book...I'd love to know! Last, it all wraps up on a cliffhanger (there are still two more books in the saga).

So yea, I enjoyed this one a lot. I can't wait to see how Miz Miller plans on bringing these two back together. At this point it seems like an impossible task, but if anyone can it is this author.

May 22, 2019