Blade & Rose
2017 • 678 pages


Average rating3.3


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Wasted my 8 days reading this. I should have DNF'ed (for the first time mind you because I never wanted to dnf a book. ever.) and YET I forced, and when I say forced I really did FORCED myself, toothpick on my eyes so that it will stay open and all that, to read this slowly pile of garbage that is happening on this book.

I don't know WHY, WHY THE FCK WOULD THE AUTHOR WANT ME TO LOVE BRENNAN THE FUCKING ASSHOLE F-CKWAD THAT HE IS. Like okay? Why is he part of the group? Why did he became the most helpful on their missions? And why did he suddenly became so “refreshing” despite him being the biggest LOSER when Rielle rejects him to marry him (when she was THIRTEEN mind you) HELLO???!?$!($+$($ EVEN RIELLE'S GRANDMA IS HYPING HIM UP TO MAKE AMENDS WITH RIELLE??? HELLO?? the redemption arc is not gonna work on me. Fuck Brennan (i'm wishing upon his death everytime he appears on the book and the fact that he KILLED ANTON OH HE IS NOT GONNA MAKE IT OUT OF THE TRENCHES IF I EXIST AND WRING HIS NECK FOR THATI FEAR) Also the fact that Rielle just never doubts him????? AS IF HE DIDNT HUMILIATE YOU IN FRONT OF ALL PEOPLE AFTER ALL THE GASLIGHTING THE ABUSW THE FUCKING PETTINESS AND ALL THAT SHIT????? NO BIGGIE YEAH IM FUCKING PISSED AT THAT. and I'm not gonna read the whole damn series to know if Rielle suddenly loves him like that's just stupid.

And that's only one of the many things I hate about this book, the instalove gave me a whiplash because of the 600 pages in it i thought by book 3 or 4 they would slowly become lovers NO. maybe around 20 chapters in (or probably beyond that) they started falling in love. What happened to celibacy Jon? What happened to protecting and seeing to Olivia's SAFETY RIELLE????$8+$8#(#($( WHAT WITH ALL THIS NOT NEEDED FILLERS, COULD HAVE CUT DOWN TO 300 OR 200 PAGES WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT. sighs.

In conclusion i have yet to find a good high fantasy romance with action packed scenes with slowburn and good pacing so if you guys have recs i'll appreciate it. I definitely didn't appreciate this book. On to my next read I guess.

May 11, 2024Report this review