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I actually don't have very much to say about this one. I enjoyed it quite a lot. It was a quick and pretty easy peasy read. The writing was great. It was well paced. It was told in a dual POV format. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. That said, you could definitely tell this was the first book in a new series. The romance took a back seat to all the setup with the MC and its members. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet happy for now ending. I am 100% sure we will be seeing these characters again in upcoming books.

BLAZE (Sawyer)...I like Sawyer a lot. He didn't appear to be a manwhore. He was a great father. He was a great MC brother. He was sweet. He was hot. He was alpha. He was bada$$ish. He was all about Kenadee from the minute he sees her. He was a good hero.

KENADEE...I actually ADORED Kenadee. She was feisty. She was super sweet. She had a good head on her shoulders. I especially loved when she told Sawyer she wasn't going to chase him he either wanted to be with her or he didn't. No doormat here. She didn't play games, and she was all about Sawyer from the minute they meet.


There were a TON of secondary characters in this book. I loved Kenadee's BFF and wonder if she is going to end up with one of the MC brothers? I loved Sawyer's son, he was totes adorbs. I loved Sawyers parents. And of course, we get introduced to many of Blaze's MC brothers. I was especially intrigued by Shadow, Riggs, and Gus. I can't wait to see what this author has up her sleeve for all of them.

Low. Like I mentioned above, I felt the romance in this one really took a backseat to the world building. So because of that, there were not very many sex scenes, and they were only moderately spicy. The couple did have good on page chemistry when they actually spent more than two minutes in each other's company. Which, unfortunately, wasn't all that often.

Low. This book was very insta-lust and easy peasy in terms of the relationship between Sawyer and Kenadee. Some mild bumps in the road, but they were sold the entire way through the book. We get a little angst from the MC being attacked. Neither were virgins. I don't think Sawyer was a manwhore, but it was briefly mentioned he had slept with some “hang arounds”
SIDE NOTE: So a little funny about these “hang-arounds” I found it hilarious (and a bit in bad taste) that the club is on lockdown and the hero's parents are staying there. His nine-year-old son is staying there. Some other young kids are staying there, and the hang arounds are cooking up breakfast in their hoe outfits. Like WTF?? lol

Overall this was a really good read. It was fast paced and engaging. It set up the series very well. The characters were all intriguing and likable. It wasn't packed full of angst and drama. I only wish more time had been spent developing the romance between Sawyer and Kenadee, and I didn't really get the “Jasmine” thing, but both of those were really just smallish issues. Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two solid thumbs up and I am looking forward to diving into Shadow's book in July.


April 24, 2018