Average rating4.1
This one took a little longer to get through though was still an enjoyable read. Stiefvater added more characters (namely Malory and his Dog) that did little to change the plot and it ended very unsatisfactorily, with only the epilogue saving it from a lame wrapped-up ending with a bow and setting it up for the sequel. Overall, my least favourite of the 3 books so far but I'm still moving on with the series.
How the writer uses Noah feels like an injustice as he's one of my favourites and doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Also the deaths of such interesting and strong characters was just really sad, though I supposed one seemed more necessary than the other. I want more from Adam and Ronan as their friendship really starts to develop in this (though I'm not quite seeing the m/m pairing people are wailing about in other reviews as Adam seems definitively ‘not like that'). I wish we also actually saw more of the court case against his dad as we see them all enter the court room and then nothing. We have no idea if his dad is in jail or just fined with a legal order to stay away from Adam or what and it's KIND OF IMPORTANT. People love these books but there are too many details about some things and not nearly enough details about others, leaving a lot of questions I don't believe can be answered in the one book in the series that's left.