Average rating3.9
Published as a part of Penguin Books Great Ideas series, this book is a collection of essays from George Orwell. They vary in topic and enjoyment (for me), and i have made a few notes about each before rating.
Books V. Cigarettes - As the name suggests, here Orwell considers the amount of money he spends on books against the amount spent of cigarettes (and alcohol). It is an interesting concept - one which wouldn't yield much of a result for me - I suppose I spend plenty of books (not much but volume, but I do buy quite a number) but I don't spend a great deal on alcohol now days and never spent money on cigarettes. Previously published in Tribune, 1943. **/5Bookshop Memories - Orwell discusses his time working in a bookshop - explaining it is not as romantic as it sounds, dealing with annoying customers, making books less interesting to a person who must deal in them all day. Previously published in Fortnightly, 1936. **/5
Confessions of a Book Reviewer - Orwell describes a professional book reviewer - with absolutely no glamour and no acclaim. Deadlines that mean the reviewer can never read the book, only pick up on vague concepts and roll out cliches. Previously published in Tribune, 1946. **/5The Prevention of Literature - More philosophical, more intellectual, less interesting to me this on. Previously published in Polemic, 1946. **.5/5My Country Left or Right - We move off the topic of books now, this one being political, and too highbrow for a simple fellow like me. Previously published in Folios of New Writing, 1940. **.5/5How the Poor Die - Orwell shares his experience the horrors of a few weeks in hospital in Paris. This one was very good. At the end it even comes back to the theme of books. Previously published in Now, 1946. **/5Such, Such Were the Joys - This is a longer story, taking up half the book, and recounts Orwell's school days as St Cyprian's prep school in Eastbourne. He speaks of bed wetting, discipline, unjust treatment, bullying and the learning itself focused on the pupils gaining scholarships to the benefit of the school. Previously published in Partisan Review, 1952. ****/5
So by my mathematics that equates to just under 4 stars. Well worth seeking out this little collection.