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Bound & Controlled

Bound & Controlled: The Complete Series



Average rating4


I usually don't like reviewing bundles because duh? they're a mixed bag and the rating ends up being rounded out. I'll try.This is the story of four brothers who own an insurance brokerage office and also belong to a BDSM club for gay men called Bound and Controlled and how they each find their special someone. Generally I liked it, mostly because I did this as an audio/book combo and [a:Kenneth Obi 17596815 Kenneth Obi] has a perfect pitch for these stories, though he does seem to give the subs in D/s stories and almost childlike tone, or is it the story? Dunno. But I don't hate it and his voice works for me. I paced these out over the last week and it wasn't a chore, on the contrary. It was a nice and soothing way to ease in to the New Year. These are the MOST vanilla BDSM stories. They're kind of like a Disney or Hallmark version of a kink lifestyle complete with parents who were in a D/s relationship, and sons who not only each grew up to be gay, but also kinky. What are the odds? We get a little bit of everything. A buffet of kink lite.Here is a less than scientific or exact rating for each book:The Owners 0.5 3.00Nothing earth shattering but it does it's job well, which is to set up the other stories without being too expository. We get to see or meet the principals of the next books through the eyes of Ben and Conner, the owners of Bound and Controlled, and it kind of makes you curious about their story. “Garrett” Bk.1 3.75Wyatt is a furniture designer, specifically kink furniture and he has the hots for Garrett, who he's been eyeing at B&C (Bound and Controlled). Garrett is a Dom but he's pretty oblivious to things that aren't hitting him over the head, which kind of gave me pause to believe in his Dom abilities. But that's just me. Wyatt is pretty shy and skittish but he does the brave thing and goes after his man in the only way he can. He purchases small business insurance from Garrett's company thereby letting him know what he's into and voilà, the big lug figures it out. After that we're off to the races. Both Wyatt & Garrett are on the same page that they want a more “lifestyle” D/s relationship and it's just a matter of Wyatt trusting that Garrett won't balk or find his neediness too much. As a plus the other brothers and they're friend Calen, hovering in the background, provide comic relief and moral support. A running gag throughout the books is the men/boys' fear of their meddling mother, their absolute inadequacy in the kitchen, and the fear of one brother stealing the other's munchies. It's cute. “Brent” Bk.2 2.75I didn't hate this. I just didn't believe in the romance or the roles of the two MCs as D/s. A pity because a good, long time friends to lovers story always has room to explore relationships that were once one thing and in time have turned, even without our conscious thought. This missed the mark. Brent is another of “the brothers” and for variety's sake he's a sub, except he doesn't have or affect a twink vibe, body, or persona. In his personal life he's rather take charge, deliberate, and in control. Calen is a friend and colleague and also a particular kind of Dom. Their relationship could've been the most interesting given Calen's preferences and the aforementioned friendship, but I just never believed the sudden love. The attraction? Maybe. If I'm being generous. But I don't know that I trust the long term viability of the relationship, which I don't mind, but is what we're being sold. shrug In any case this installment does move forward the previous story and pushes along the next one so ... no harm done. “Grant” Bk.3 3.75Carter was introduced in Bk.1 as Wyatt's friend. He owns and antique store and is plagued by a bevy of old cronies who know way too much about “alternative lifestyles” and loving nothing more than to gossip and matchmake. Carter is also an unabashed femme boy who wears make-up and clothing from the women's section and looks gorgeous doing so. He's been interested in a D/s relationship, though not lifestyle like Wyatt, but has never tried anything and doesn't even get to date much because his dates seem to be turned off by his external presentation. They want the femme boy but only in the bedroom. A##holes. The romance Gods are on his side because via Wyatt he meets Garrett's siblings, among them Grant, who looks like a biker but has a predilection for “pretty things”. They're a match made in heaven. The crux of the book is Carter learning to trust that Grant really wants him exactly as he is, in public and in private. Reader, he does! I really liked this but I would've wanted Grant to be perhaps a little more Dom? I know he was easing Carter in but maybe just one more notch in the belt and it would've been a solid 4. There was perhaps a bit too much of the “funnies” with the food business. But Carter was gorgeous. hearts“Bryce” Bk.4 4.00Because you can tell this series was plotted and thought out in advance, we end the series with Bryce's story, which was already been hinted at in the prequel, and alluded to in the other novellas. Ladies and Gents enter Fantasy Island. happy dance Bryce is a switch and he's found his perfect balance with Troy and Oliver, an established D/s couple, who've been looking for a third! What better for Bryce than to be able to submit to Troy, a kind of Norse God, thankfully not gorgeous, just built, and have Oliver, who's a bundle of energy in need of two masters. Heaven. I really liked this final installment, partly because I think we, the readers, had been getting glimpses into this growing relationship so it doesn't feel like it sprang from nothing. Personally I can see how Bryce, though being a Dom, albeit on the lighter side, would need that space to just be carefree and Troy fits that bill. He's dominant but utterly caring. This book also brings full circle Garrett & Wyatt's story and some extras too.

January 7, 2019