


Average rating3.8


Yay!!! This was all the fun my friends promised. And it's sexy. And it's a hockey story from someone who knows hockey, by which I mean that the hockey angle is not just some window dressing or back drop to the story but kind of integral to the story and to who these guys are. I really loved it.In many ways I'd read a version of this story from Avon herself, [b:Let the Wrong Light In 26175543 Let the Wrong Light In Avon Gale 46140277] and if your a fan of Bull Durham all the sports mania and banter is here except in the hockey world and gay. Avery & Malin from LTWLI are a template for Lane & Jared. LTWLI is a darker and at times heavier story, though still funny and one of my favorites. Period. The similarities lie in an older guy finding love with a younger man who is still defining himself as a human being but who nonetheless brings back a sense of what life is about and how to live with joy just by existing in a state of utter guilelessness. Oh and also the verbal diarrhea. I'd venture to say that Lane may be somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum because he is so clueless about subtle emotions, how to express himself, or how others perceive him but he is such a good guy that it's impossible to not love him and Jared does. I loved that this was not a coming out story to parents or the world at large. That is almost irrelevant. This is the story of a relationship from inception until the MCs are well on their way to a HEA with personal and professional growth along the way but what I loved about it was that the bumps along the way were not about how the guys felt about each other. Lane and Jared were pretty up front with themselves and each other about their feelings early on. There were a couple of hiccups that lasted a few minutes mostly because of Lane's communication inadequacies but those moments were really negligible. Jared makes some rather epic life changing decisions but we never venture into soap opera territory or do the guys suddenly become Hallmark card writers. They continue to be guys, hockey players and in the case of Lane weird. However both guys had let how they thought others perceived them, for either being gay or hockey players, color how they behaved to the world at large. So basically sometimes maybe we are projecting our biases onto others. Maybe. I was glad that in the end both sets of parents were good people, weird in their now way, but good people.I'll definitely continue this series because I can say that [a:Avon Gale 14237686 Avon Gale] is becoming a favorite author and I was more than intrigued by Riley. I'm still keeping the 5 stars for LTWLI because I have love Avery.

February 22, 2017