Broken Homes
2013 • 259 pages


Average rating4.1


What's to say about this one, that I haven't said about other books in the series already?

The plot took its own sweet time getting where it was going, with a lot of strange little turns here and there – which works because it's probably what actual policemen go through investigating a crime. But almost doesn't work because it makes it feel like Aaronovitch didn't pace this correctly (which is silly, because he did).

I really, really liked the undercover stuff. The conclusion is probably the best that this series has been. It'd be great if Peter learned a bit more though, his stumbling efforts are amusing, but it's time for more proficiency.

I'm eager for the next one of these (and would be even without the big twist) – such a great world he's created here, and I want to learn more about it and the characters that inhabit it.

February 15, 2014