By Appointment Only

By Appointment Only

2017 • 280 pages

This cover is OK. The man on the cover is a good representation of the hero found within. Interesting typography for the title but the composition and placement of the other text feels off.

I enjoyed this one, but I did not LOVE it. It started out really good for me but about halfway through I began to lose interest. There seemed to be just a little too much going on (Dani's ex. Chase's secret. The Thailand stuff. The Senator.) it just started to get too convoluted for me.

I liked Dani at the beginning a struggling single mom with an autistic daughter. I felt for her and her struggles. That said as the book went on I just started to find her unnecessarily surly about EVERYTHING. Chase, on the other hand, started off dreadful for me. I thought he came across way too much like an arrogant dick but as the book went on, I warmed up to him a lot. So much, so I felt he deserved someone a lot better than Dani.

So a bit of a mixed bag for me. I kind of wish the author had left out some of the “baddies” drama and spent more time building the relationship between Dani and Chase and her daughter. For me, those plotlines overshadowed the relationship and made it hard for me to connect with them as a couple.

March 4, 2017