Caine's Reckoning
2007 • 474 pages

Reviewed on Audible

Oh boy, this story was hot. I admit that I started listening to the book without having read the description and didn't realize how hot it was. I listened to the book while at work and kept finding myself blushing and praying that my headphones didn't disconnect from my phone for all to hear what I was listening to.

The story itself is solid. It's the first in the series, so there were a lot of character introductions and world building. But I felt it got a little off track with the excessive sex. For me, Desi's background made some of the sex scenes unbearable and the romance part of this story a touch unbelievable. The story righted itself in the end, but there were some touch and go moments. Personally, I would have preferred a couple of the sex scenes to have been shortened or deleted and seen more development of the characters and their relationship outside of the bedroom.

The performance of Zoe Winslow was not a highlight. I'm not sure if it was the southern accent (which sounded forced) or perhaps it was the voices she did for the various characters. But whatever it was, it didn't work for me. I think it distracted me from the story more than enhanced it.

All in all, I'm now curious about Hell's Eight and will likely continue the series in hopes that there is more story and less sex...

July 18, 2019