Average rating3.9
It wasn't AMAZING. It was barely good.
gasp (its Brandon Sanderson, what is this????)
It had problems. We were at 95% and were still trying to defeat the minor bad guy, which we had been fighting for the whole book up until now. Sanderson was probably wondering how he could possibly tie everything up in three books. And the ending wasn't so bad considering how unlikely it looked to me that all the plot points from book 2 could be dealt with in one 400 page book. But it was done. The ending still wasn't good (and wasn't fully explained), despite the attempts to hide it behind some philosophy, but it was passable given the situation.
It was boring at times, too fast at times and fell apart in the last 15%. It was despite that all, a good book. I've never liked Reckoners much. I'm less excited for a Reckoner's release then any other Sanderson release. I was more excited for Secret History (yummy Cosmere goodies yay!) tbh. I didn't like Steelheart much, I though Firefight was pretty good, but hey, I still read this book within a couples of weeks of release. Reckoners is still good and I'd still recommend it.
The characters were at their best in the series in this book. David felt less flat- I though he didn't have much of a personality in book 1 besides what he wanted. There was much great banter to be had, Megan and David were cute, Knighthawk was cool.