Can't Make This Stuff Up!: Finding the Upside to Life's Downs

Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Finding the Upside to Life's Downs

2019 • 224 pages


Average rating4


UPDATE: I finished the book. It was marvelous, and my review still stands. Well worth reading, go get it, and enjoy.

The publisher was kind enough to provide me with the first eight chapters of this book, and my review is based on those first eight chapters. After reading them, let me tell you, April 9 CANNOT GET HERE FAST ENOUGH so that I can get the entire book (which I have pre-ordered) in my hot little hands.

Susannah B. Lewis is a Southern girl, as am I. That makes me love her right off the bat. She's from a small town. She has lost both her parents. She's a mom. I can relate to all these things. And she throws down some serious truth in these first eight chapters, and does it in a way that will make you laugh and cry (and maybe laugh and cry at the same time) and want to reach into the book and give her a big ol' hug.

She writes about her life and the truths she's learned in the living of it. She shares glimpses into her past and present and weaves in Scriptural truth. You don't even have to be Southern, or a mom, or from a small town, to appreciate it. The truths found here are universal.

Do yourself a favor. Just go pre-order the book, because you won't want to wait one second longer than you absolutely have to to read the whole thing. And then you'll want to read it again. Trust me on this one.

Disclaimer: The publisher provided the first eight chapters of the book to me free of charge. I am under no obligation to leave a positive review. All opinions expressed here are my own, and I don't say nice things about books I don't like. I'll come back and review the full book after I've read it.