Castles in Their Bones
2022 • 529 pages


Average rating4


[MY RATING] 9/10

I am SO glad I picked this novel up. The cover was gorgeous and synopsis sounded interesting, and I couldn't be happier to read this! It was such a fun read, and I couldn't put it down.

- Writing a novel from 3 different perspectives is like writing 3 separate stories. As I'm not great with books with a lot of different POVs (I tend to get very confused), I went into it thinking it was gonna be a slightly muddled mess of perspectives. However, I was surprised with great writing where each of the different sister's POVs were executed wonderfully.

- The world-building was very well done– each of the different countries the sisters were sent to felt different and unique from one another. It was descriptive, allowing me to visualise the various scenes in my head clearly. The magic system, however, felt slightly confusing to me, but it was still interesting nonetheless!

- Despite the 3 different POVs, I felt that the pacing was really good as nothing felt rushed or too draggy.

- Out of all the sisters, Sophronia was my favourite. I liked how different she was from Daphne, who was stubborn and somewhat blinded by her loyalty towards her mother (I am very excited for the future books to see how Daphne's would handle the truth of her mother's plans), vs Sophronia who had a big heart despite everything that she was taught and raised to be. I also really liked Beatrice!

- I wished there was more romance, however. I really liked Leopold's character development / growth and his interactions with Sophronia, as well as Beatriz's chemistry with Nico! However, due to a certain betrayal by Nico, we do not really like him anymore in this house. HAHA

- I didn't really care for the rebellion with Cliona and Daphne, but her romance Bairre was nice. I just wish it was more developed.

- I saw her execution coming, but !?!? NOOOO I thought she had plot armour :( It was such a shocking but also not very shocking moment for me (bc I predicted she would die). I thought she would get saved....

- That last chapter writing about the mother's POV was a plot twist for me because HOW!?!??! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN? I am sobbing bc the 3 girls were amazing people that I came to know after reading the novel and following them on their journey and I would not like to see bad things happen to them.

- Overall, I highly recommend it for its plot twists and interesting plot! If you are hesitating to pick this up due to eg. politics, yes, there is still politics BUT it isn't boring politics (i.e. military blah blah). It doesn't go too much into politics, so do pick it up even if you dislike politics ! (like me)

June 18, 2022