Average rating4
If you are not born with the English tongue, just know that if you understand the next words, you'll be fine: Scintillating, Coalesced, Sullen, Delectable, Pulpit, Coveted, Belligerent, Gamboling, Nosegay, Countenance, Prodigiously, Trepidation, Circumspect, Abrasions, Abreast, Consternation, Scornfully, Petulantly, Domitably, Corrugated, Ominously, Awning, Invidiously,... Because these words will be the average difficulty for the entire book.
I had to check at least 6 words per page. But the thing is that I added a lot of words to my lexicon now. So persevere, as the chaplain would say to you.
This was an exhilarating novel, a rollercoaster for the eye and mind, but not suited for me. I liked the “war is chaos” theme, but it was too much for me.
Still one of the most unique books I've read.