Catwoman, Vol. 3: Duchess of Gotham

Catwoman, Vol. 3: Duchess of Gotham

2023 • 167 pages


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

Most of this volume consists of a prison drama, with Catwoman locked up following the events of the previous one, and initially reluctant to try and escape. Instead, we see her recruiting allies at the prison and putting one over on the authorities. Although there are indications that we're in Gotham City, not the real world, for the most part there are no costumed antics or whip-wielding - it may not be grimy despair of some regular prison dramas, but it's still very light on the superheroics, and fits with the tone of the rest of the series.

Needless to say, Selina eventually gets out, to follow up on the story elements we had left over from Vol. 2 - this time without the interruptions as other, wider, DC plotlines had to be shoe-horned in. In between, Eiko takes up the “Catwoman” mantle, pretending to be the real deal while double-crossing her rivals. This may be a smaller element than the prison sections, and it's all closely tied in with the main plot, but it provides something for those expecting something more traditional from a comic about a costumed anti-hero. And the closing sections, once Selina is no longer locked up, are full-throttle action that still leaves room for some emotional drama with Tomcat.

Although the main artists keep changing every two or three issues, in this one, they're all good - although I'm no fan of the “skintight latex” look they've gone with on the covers.

November 23, 2023