Cerulean Sins

Cerulean Sins

2003 • 470 pages


Average rating3.1


In the 11th installment of the Anita Blake series, Belle Morte, a member of the Vampire Council has sent her second in command, Musette, unexpectedly, to scout out the situation in St. Louis. At the same time, a rogue shapeshifter is slaughtering women in the area. Jean Claude and Anita have to deal with Musette and her entourage, while the third member of the triumvirate, the werewolf Ulffric, Richard is on a self destructive downslide. The only question is, will he destroy himself or them all. To make matters worse, the oldest vampire of them all is waking from a thousand year sleep, and noone knows what that will bring.
This is a very intense novel, even more so than the last. The characters become more and more interesting as time goes on. Anita's character is vastly different from the first book, but she has grown in a natural(supernatural) manner with the development of her necromancer powers and just her life experiences in general. There is so much action here that it is difficult to put the novel down and I will definitely read it again very soon. This series keeps getting better and better and the first book was outstanding.

February 28, 2018