

2016 • 255 pages


Average rating2.3


Charged had a deeper sense of danger, but also some more fun than Built included. I really enjoyed getting to know Avett better, as I had thought she was simply a spoiled princess, but she was so much more. And she completely brought out the humanity Quaid had tried to get rid of by becoming the most successful defence lawyer in Denver.

Because it started with Avett in prison, because she was charged with having done a hold-up she had no idea was going to happen, the tension between her and Quaid was palpable from the beginning. At first, it was more irritation than chemistry, but that changed rather quickly. Both Quaid and Avett needed someone who could show them that a different way of living might be much more satisfying than what they had been doing up until that point.

The suspense was really well done, and I enjoyed how smart Avett was in Charged – she showed that she was a grown-up who was capable of making tough decisions and sticking with them. Written in dual point of view as the rest of the Saints of Denver series, I loved the banter between Avett and Quaid, as they had strong personalities and both wanted to be right. I read this with some friends and found myself needing more from this author.

April 23, 2018