2011 • 560 pages


Average rating2.9


Did not finish.
While the initial set-up and character development was engaging, by the half-way mark my annoyance at mistakes (the nozzle of the gun?!?) and unrealities (because one lone person can ALWAYS take on 8 or 12 professional gunmen and always always kill all of them...) outweighed my dwindling interest in the characters. The character of the 5-y-old son, while initially engaging, soon seemed to be just a plot device rather than a living-breathing kid (who never chucks a wobbly, insists on his own way, has to pee at inconvenient times, spills food...), a plot device to introduce prophecies and provide some deus-ex-machina plotting (telling his mom that she and Will have to be together...because every 5 year old just wants his mother to be happy...?!?) so that we can get to Act II and the sexytimes. I wonder: does the author KNOW any five year olds? young single mothers traumatized by violence and being chased? soldiers who fought in wars? The initial promise of mulit-dimensional characters soon faded to cardboard cutouts with a lot of Destiny and Promise and Being Chosen-Ness Plus Psycic Stuff and Bad Men who are always Gunmen wearing Black.
Skipped to the last chapter to see if I could re-engage...quit after two pages.
While this is better than other self-published blergh, I'm not going back for more from this author.

March 10, 2019