

Average rating4


If you've been following along with my reviews, then you know that this series has been a real struggle for me. It has SO many things I usually avoid in my romance books. To say it has pushed me clear off my comfort zone cliff is an understatement. (lol) At the same time, there has been something wildly compelling about this story that hooked me enough I just can't seem to quite it.

After two books I had a good idea what to expect, so I went into this one with a little less trepidation. And this book was my favorite so far. It was tamer than I expected, both in action and in sex. Not to say there wasn't a couple hot sex scenes (M/F, M/M/F, Implied M/M) because ooh lá lá there was, but overall it felt less sex and drama centered than the first two books (and NO humiliation...bonus). That worked especially well here because it gave us readers a bit of a breather and also allowed for a deeper connection to form between Fawn and Marius.

We also finally get some insight into Odette and Elliot's relationship. I am still not a fan of that whole situation, but Odette herself is sweet and kind, so it was hard to hate her. I am still not a complete fan of Elliott's either. I am not sure I trust him 100% yet. However, my seething hatred for him has dampened a little. (lol) I love that Fawn (Doe) and Marius grow closer, and ok, I'll admit all three of them (Elliot, Fawn, and Marius) make for a sexy and sweet trio. Last, major things are going DOWN at the end of this book and now I am dying to get my hands on the next (final??) book! Hopefully, I don't have too long to wait.

June 10, 2019