Average rating4
It isn't the author's fault this wasn't as good a book as it could be. This would've been such a good book IF:
1) it weren't so damn predictable; seriously, I can't be the only one that guessed that Cinder is Princess Selene. For one, it was stressed how important it was that Princess Selene was alive. There were only rumors that she was even alive. However, as we all know, if it's stated in the book, no matter how unimportant or unrealistic it may seem, it's always incredibly important to the plot and, as I like to call it, the “big unsurprising surprise.” There were way too many connections to make between Princess Selene and Cinder. Cinder doesn't remember anything from her childhood, which is highly suspicious. Gasp, ohmygosh, could she have gotten it from the fire Princess Selene was in? Not a long shot, considering she's the main character and all. Plus, this story's based on CINDERALLA. Of COURSE, she's going to be a princess or some other big-shot. But that isn't completely the author's fault. I guess I'm just annoyed she didn't get to this “big surprise” earlier in the story; it would've saved a whole bunch of time.
2) Kai and Cinder's relationship wasn't so aggravating. GAHHHHH there's so many things getting between them it makes me want to throw a lamp at someone. Their failing relationship can't be completely blamed on outside forces (AKA the bitchy stepmother, stepsister, Queen Levana). Kai and Cinder are driving a wedge between themselves, too. Seriously, buck up already Cinder. If Kai doesn't like you for being a cyborg or a Lunar or whatever, then just dump his sorry ass. Or, in this case, just ignore him. Your low self-esteem is killing me; I need more witty one-liners. I can't take all this looking-down-at-the-ground-omg-I-hope-he-doesn't-hate-me-for-yada-yada-yada. I'm dying here. And you, Kai, mister-prince-turned-emperor. Yeah, I'm calling you out. Could you BE any more of an IDIOT??? Yeah, she's a cyborg. So what? It's not like she threw herself into that fire when she was a baby. How do you THINK people get turned into cyborgs? I know you guys are going to end up together in the end anyways since I foresee a HEA at the end of the trilogy. But come on; move it along people! Get over your stupid disgust and prejudice against cyborgs. We've got bigger problems. And could you be denser? Of COURSE Cinder didn't tell you about being a cyborg and a Lunar. How could she? You're already looking at her in disdain.
So yeah, this was just me venting. The book wasn't all bad. It intrigued me enough to get the rest of the books in the series. However, I'm really hoping I'll like the second book better than the first. I'm also hoping Cinder will get her ass in gear enough to yell Kai, Adri, and everyone else that shunned her into shame. That would be quite pleasant. Sadly though, I'm predicting Cinder will just be wandering around, alone and lost, for a majority of the second book. Well, here's to hoping.