Average rating4
I need to part ways with Clare's books I'm afraid. I just can't get into them. I like the idea of the “Shadowhunters” very much, I just can't get behind the way she's doing it.
I don't like her writing style, it makes it impossible for me to get into whatever is going on. I cannot connect to this universe even though I can picture it very well. It's like I'm reading everything from the perspective of a cyborg. It lacks passion. Most likely it's because of the characters. I don't like'em. They either bore me or annoy me.
The premise of Clockwork Angel sounded fantastic, but I saw everything coming from miles away. I guessed who the villain was way before the “Shawdowhunters” were hit in the face with the realization, so there was no suspense.
And this Will Herondale guy, for the life of me, I can't figure out what so great about him. He's a carbon copy of Jace from TMI with different hair and different clothes. And I dislike Jace very much. His sarcasm is overdone, it's not even funny. And this “heart of gold underneath the mask of an asshole” trope is boring the heck out of me. It's been done almost in all the YA books I've read so far. I'm sick of it. And it's not like he's even that smart. In fact all the characters lack the smarts based how the entire plot went down.
Don't even get me started on Clarisa Fray Tessa Gray. She's an idiot. He “sass” is ridiculous. Her mindset if very narrow. No surprise you-know-who betrays her and makes a fool out of her. She relies on other people to feed her information about what's going on. She barely tries to find out what she is. Did I mention she's a special snowflake? Yes, let's utilize another used-to-death trope, shall we? Why does everyone fawn over her really? What's so great about other than her cool, mysterious power? So she read a few books. It doesn't seem like she learned anything from them. She's extremely judgmental and shallow. She comments several times that people with disfigurements or unattractive people should just give up on life because what is the point of living if you don't look like a supermodel or if everyone doesn't want to get in your pants. And the way she lusts (cause let's face it, it all about his perfect face and neckline, his blue eyes and black hair, the way his wet shirt clings on to his perfectly sculpted muscles and whatever bad-boy vibe he's got going on) after Will even though he shows barely any interest, is embarrassing. I don't care that he secretly wants her too. She's got no proof of that and she behaves around him like she's known him her entire life.
As for Jem, what a wasted potential. He could be a great character but he's obviously there just for the purpose of igniting a love triangle. And since he's not as handsome as Will, based on Tessa's description, he's obviously going to lose the battle to Tessa's pants heart. I don't even need to read the entire series to find out.
I'm not even going to bother picking up the next books. I don't care what happens. I don't care about Tessa's origins, nor about Will's mysterious past. And I certainly don't care about the villain's intentions. He's just a caricature. Whatever his plan is I'm sure it's lame.