Average rating4.3
Cloud Cuckoo Land is really five stories set in five places with five different characters. There's the story of Anna, an orphan who works in embroidery in Constantinople in the 1400s. There's the story of Zeno who is a prisoner of war in Korea. There's the story of Omeir who was born with a cleft palate that causes much trouble for him and his family. There's the story of Seymour who finds comfort in nature and is devastated when nature is destroyed all around him. And there's the story of Konstance who lives in the future in a spacecraft headed for another planet.
Somehow all these five stories connect together and are tied to an old book called Cloud Cuckoo Land.
And that's all I want to say about the plot.
I do want to talk about the themes of the story, but I can't really do that without giving away the plot and spoiling the story for others, so I guess I'll have to confine my talk about the book to those who have already read the book. I will just say that it's a long book and it was confusing at first, but it's worth it to read on. It's very good. Very, very good.