Discover Your Personality Type Through the Power of Colors
Average rating5
It is extremely rare for me to read a non-fiction book and even rarer to read something in the ‘self-improvement' category, but this was recommended to me by my cousin when I was having some relationship issues I just didn't know how solve. Although this book doesn't give you the ABC's of conflict resolution or clear cut measures to make, it does attempt to help you understand both yourself and others around you and how they tick. If you're willing to use that, I think it can be a great tool. Finding my own colour and being able to recognize both my gifts and stresses in a better light definitely has me thinking differently. Being able to also pick out the colours of those around me, helped me to find a better approach to conflicts with them. It is still a working progress, but this book was a huge help in not only making me think about personalities and how they relate to jobs, relationships, personal issues/growth among other things, but also opened a dialogue in my mind on how to approach my own self as well as my approach to others. At the very least it is great to get the wheels turning and helping you to see yourself and others in a brand new light.