Confessions of a Forty-Something F**k Up

Confessions of a Forty-Something F**k Up

2020 • 332 pages


Average rating4.2


I had originally picked this book up because it was cheap and... well.... I often feel like a 40-something f**k up. Seemed directly up my alley.

When I opened it and read the opening bits of the book, my first thought was “did someone actually take their podcast and just.... turn on speech-to-text to write a book?” I seriously spent the entire time reading this book thinking I was reading someone's memoir.

Contrary to what I thought... it actually isn't a memoir. I mean, it may be somewhat autobiographical (yup....I saw myself in many of those situations) but it isn't a memoir. I guess that goes to show that if this was the tone she was going for, she got it. Dead on.

It is the story of Nell (no, I did not think to look at the author's name and I was reading on a kindle so I didn't stare at the book cover day in and day out) as she is living post-break up in a social media fueled world. Her friends are living perfect lives and everyone seems to have this whole life thing figured out and perfected. Except her.

It was an enjoyable fluff read. If you're looking for someone to commiserate with about lacking the insta-perfect house, kids, and spouse.... this book is for you.

Recommended for: Anyone looking to see what would happen if a Lifetime movie had a baby with a Kevin Smith movie and raised it on fine British culture.

September 21, 2021