Cordelia's Honor
1996 • 596 pages


Average rating4


I mentioned on twitter a little while ago that I'd never read any of the Vorkosigan books, and had a few friends admonish me over the fact. One of them was kind enough to include a link to a free ebook of this volume, so I was encouraged to give it a read.


At first it seemed like it was going to be the typical “two radically different people are thrown together in an unlikely situation that causes them to fall in love” story. I usually hate that kind of story, with the two exceptions of The African Queen and Speed. Bujold manages to make it work, though - the romance between Cordelia and Aral feels realistic and a logical consequence of their personalities, rather than something just slapped onto the story.

Another thing that I really liked about this book was the attention given to the sociopolitical realities of the novel. A lot of the time that's something that's glossed over in SF, but here it forms a large part of the narrative. If anything I was reminded of Martin's Game of Thrones for that aspect (although admittedly it's less gory and convoluted as that book gets).

I'm really glad I checked this one out and I look forward to reading the rest of the series!

June 8, 2011Report this review