Covert Regime Change: America's Secret Cold War

Covert Regime Change: America's Secret Cold War

2018 • 330 pages

This book was really different in a surprising way. I came across the author because of a Washington Post article she wrote in 2016 titled “The U.S. tried to change other countries' governments 72 times during the Cold War”. I figured any book written by her about regime change is gonna be awesome. What I didn't expect was how the book is designed...

This book is written as a long-form scientific research paper trying to determine the reasons behind the US's regime change efforts, their efficacy, etc. via the scientific method. It sort of throws into question my main theory of the reason behind regime change (draining wealth from weaker countries into stronger ones). But it strengthens my other prevailing theory as to the reasons behind US regime change: centralizing power.

If a nation dares goes against US hegemony, it is swiftly brought into line via covert (and sometimes overt) intervention. We've overthrown democracies, dictatorships, capitalist countries, and communist ones. Sometimes for the benefit of corporations, but usually not.

It is clear from this very thorough, cold, dry analysis that regime change is ultimately counter-productive and indefensible. If you want the cold, hard, apolitical, scientific facts of US-led regime change, read this book and you will see the truth: Don't do it.

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in understanding US foreign policy in the past, present, and future.

April 20, 2021