Crisis on Infinite Earths

Crisis on Infinite Earths

2005 • 310 pages


Average rating3.8


Gosh, it' s a slog isn't it. Crisis is a landmark of event comics but I have got to say that this is definitely a bit of a chore.
I have been off comics for quite a while and thought I would read some old stuff as well as new stuff, so have been revisiting things that I remember in the past.
I have got to say that I can't recall the crisis stuff that much and looking back over it, it still seems a bit vague.
And I think I might like to leave it that way to be honest. I think that sometimes when you go back and look at things it is best sometimes to leave them in a rose tinted past that was better than what you actually remembered.
The idea for the story is good, the artwork is excellent, but the rest of it.
I think the main character, Captain Exposition takes centre stage in this comic. There is so much dialogue, thought bubbles and God knows what else, I sometimes lose track.
I mean I cannot remember some of the dialogue in comics being so bad. This at times makes me think it should have been written in the fifties, not the eighties.
I mean I remember reading comics at this time and they were ace. Stuff like cerebus the aardvark, Alan moore, Frank Millar.
This does not come into the same league.
In short, get the Wikipedia revision notes. It will be easier.

November 1, 2019