Crooked Kingdom
2016 • 546 pages


Average rating4.4


“No mourners, no funerals. Another way of saying good luck. But it was something more. A dark wink to the fact that there would be no expensive burials for people like them, no marble markers to remember their names, no wreaths of myrtle and rose.”

crazy crazy crazy speechless I am so wow what to say what to say I need a third book. now.

In this book, we got to learn and explore more of the characters' pasts. We finally got all of Wylan's story (fuck you Jan Van Eck), and we got to see most of Jesper's as well.

I read this book in two days. That's how entertained and engaged I was. I spent my entire Saturday reading this.

I can't relate to any of the characters, and I usually can't with any book I read, but I don't think you need to relate to a character to feel a connection to them. This series introduced me to that idea. These characters are so well written and thought out that I have no choice but to love them. The way they all work together despite their differences.

Oh, Jes. :( The guilt he felt the moment he saw his father's face. “His father's head snapped up and Jesper steeled himself for what might come next–whatever insults or outrage his father hurled at him, he deserved. But he wasn't prepared for the relieved grin that split his father's craggy features. Someone might as well have put a bullet right in Jesper's heart.”

“Someone might as well have put a bullet right in Jesper's heart.” Yea... that hurt.

Indeed these characters have had hard times. But, Inej... So much shit has happened to her and though I can't relate to it, I can still feel sympathy for her. (Although Inej would probably tell me she doesn't want pity...) She was brought into Kerch unwillingly and spent her days slaving away at a Menagerie, which, in definition, is a place where wild animals are kept in captivity for exhibition. I now see why all the girls at the Menagerie have an animal for their name. Like hello?? A teenage girl working a job that exploits her to grown men?

Kaz's trauma prevents him from performing skin-to-skin contact. When we got that scene of him and Inej... he most definitely shit his pants. But he would try for her. That's what makes him good. Even if he is a shitty person, he loves Inej enough to want to try for her. And when they held hands... I may have cried.

I accidentally spoiled Matthias' death for when the time came I wasn't surprised, unfortunately. I was sad, of course, because it's Six of Crows not Five of Crows (thank you Cindy for that quote). Nina being so desperate for him to come back most definitely made me tear up, though.

“Matthias couldn't name the ache he felt in that moment. He was a solider. So was Nina. They weren't meant for such domestic scenes. But he'd envied those people and their ease. Their comfortable home, their comfort with each other.” ... This quote killed me. I don't think I will ever truly recover from this book.

Um. Let's talk about Chapter 40. First of all, I took a picture of it, printed it, and put it on my wall. Second, when I first read the books, Kanej was my favorite ship, but going back and looking at everything I tabbed, Helnik is far superior. Anyways, I have this chapter memorized. That's how many times I've reread it. Not that it's hard to learn, it's one paragraph. But what the fuck am I supposed to do in the third book without Helnik? I seriously can't handle this. I'm really mad at you Leigh.

I also want to add some quotes that made me laugh:

“...So Kuwei, you'll go to the Souther Colonies, and when the heat has died down, you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias' grandmother's house for all I care”
“‘Leave my grandmother our of this,' Matthias said.”

“‘Saints!' his father gasped. ‘This city is worse than the guidebooks said!'“

“‘You don't have enough money to buy her waffles,' Wyland grumbled.”
“Be quiet. We're in a library.”

“It wasn't that Alys was so bad, she just never stopped. She sang between bites of food. She sang while she was walking through the graves. She sang from behind a bush when she needed to relieve herself. When she finally dozed off, she hummed in her sleep.

“Matthias' steps faltered. ‘Why would he–'“
“‘She's tied up, so he has to.'“
“‘Be silent.'“

“‘I also keep a journal.'“
“‘Must be fascinating. Day one: sat in tomb. Day two: sat in tomb some more.'“

“Jesper nodded sagely. ‘Good country air, lots of fields for...gamboling about. I grew up on a farm. It's why I'm so tall.'“
“Alys frowned. ‘You're a little too tall.'“
“‘It was a really big farm.'“

I want to reread this series so bad but 1) I want to wait a little bit longer and 2) I genuinely don't think I'd be able to handle it.

I really hope we get the third book in the next day because I'm not sure how much longer I can go without any new content. We better see them happy in the next book or Miss Bardugo is getting a punch to the mouth. <33

March 13, 2021