Crow Court

Crow Court

2021 • 316 pages


Average rating4


So, I don't particularly appreciate reading a summary of a book right before I start it. I like to go in with some vague knowledge – genre, period, etc. – but I don't want to know much about the plot.

That backfired with Crow Court. I was so flipping confused as each chapter seemed to have nothing to do with the previous, aside from a brief mention of a character that appeared earlier. Or I'd think I knew who the chapter was about, but I couldn't remember any character names. It's more of a collection of short stories with a deep, deep underlying connection that I do not understand. I know some of them were originally published as short stories. Still, the book seems like it's caught in a strange in-between novel and story collection that I didn't necessarily dislike, but I wouldn't go searching out.

I did enjoy the stories, but since it claimed it was a novel, I kept waiting for everything to come together. It didn't.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

January 30, 2021Report this review