Average rating4
More fun and delight throughout the collection. Great reversals of fortune that were clever or comical, also I love puns and alliteration.
“Building Blastoff” Thought the German accented rat was a bit much, but not bad.
Loved the second comic “Mountain Madness” and the competition/tricking of the giant; the concept of winning by losing.
“Jingle Jest” Enjoyed the kettle not hearing the musical competition, or perhaps composition. And the full page that makes me think of a poster promoting literacy through puns makes me smile. There's another full page that encourages mending that was great, too.
“Siren Smackdown” was good, I like the mermaid character.
“Natural Knockout” felt like a classic cartoon, where our main characters go camping.
Enjoyed the powerful, female bosses in “Tempest Tantrum” where some zodiac figures also appear and “Maltose Fracas” with the potential to get free candy goes awry.
There were also some ‘darker' stories about What If Cuphead and Mugman lost their souls to the Devil and work for him and later a tale about Kettle getting on the wrong train that takes him to Hell because he needs glasses.
Great mix overall