Curse of the Fallen

Curse of the Fallen

2021 • 288 pages


Average rating3.5

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

The Order of Sardo has deemed Nerana evil due to her innate ability with magic. There are few safe places left for Nerana to hide, for the Order has spread tales of false treachery. And if Nerana dares to use her magic, the Order has placed a curse on her, allowing them to hunt her down. When she learns of an artifact able to break her curse, Nerana eagerly sets out to find it. But finding the artifact alone will not be enough.

Curse of the Fallen jumps readers right into the moment as Nerana and her comrades steal an item called the arun. But their heist isn’t so easily won as they find they must disenchant it first. Readers will be taken on an action-filled journey as Nerana quests to disenchant the arun and break her curse. Along the way H.C. Newell does a wonderful job building up the tensions of the world and how the Order of Sardo has convinced people of Nerana's supposed evil. There certainly is something causing the dark creatures of myth to come alive and torment souls once more. But can it truly be caused by Nerana’s abilities, or is she a clever scapegoat?

The parallel progression of Nerana’s quest and the increasingly horrific encounters she and her friends experience will hook readers into the story. But there were a few moments where consistency waned. Nerana herself mentions how the Order is able to track her down when she uses her magic. And there are times when she has no choice but to use her magic. Yet when she is found after these events, Nerana seems confused how she was able to be located. This doesn’t make the story any less enjoyable, as each encounter is laced with conflict and close calls.

Curse of the Fallen has a unique way of using footnotes. Instead of large moments of exposition, readers are given the option to learn more by reading footnotes. If you aren’t reading for worldbuilding, then skip the footnotes and stick to the action. But if you are a reader who enjoys learning about the details of a world, then the footnotes are there to help. Though I do wish a bit more of Nerana’s backstory had been introduced to readers earlier on, once the story delves into it I found myself connecting the dots from prior scenes.

Readers who enjoy grimdark tales should give this one a try. While it may start off with a heist, Curse of the Fallen grows darker with each turn of the page. And when readers reach the emotionally charged end of this particular journey, they will find themselves longing for the next book.

Originally posted at

April 16, 2023