1986 • 416 pages


Average rating3.5


I am sorry, Henric, I hate it.

Or... I don't hate it, I just don't find anything to like in it. Not even the Wales inspired setting.

I hate the misogyny, I hate how... uh.

I like Jill. But I don't like the “their destinies are wound together and they can't escape” idea. That makes me afraid that she's going to get into trouble because of a forced upon love triangle and people are going to try to kill each other, just because they are stuck in this tangled web.

I don't like the incest part. I love my brothers but I wouldn't ever agree to have sex with them, not even to stop them from killing themselves. Frankly, on the contrary. If they wanted to have sex with me, they are obviously so insane and damaged, they'd do everyone a favor by ending it now. And, it would have been better had the brother in the book killed himself.

And why didn't the girl go after her beloved? sigh “I could have ridden anywhere, but I had no reason”. Yeah, you did. Your husband.
Anyway, all that made me think that her deep emotions were just a show.

It was very confused and stupid and... sigh disappointing.

June 29, 2021