Dangerous Control
2018 • 241 pages


Average rating4


I have enjoyed this series quite a lot, but this book was probably my least favorite of the three. I ADORE a good sadist, and in the first two books, Milo was just that. Alas, in this one, we barely get any glimpses of the Milo from the first two books. In fact, I kind of felt he spent most of this book being a whiny douche. That said, it was still a very well-written book. It was fast-paced and on the shorter side with it clocking in at just under two hours of reading time. It was told in a dual POV format. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK ending. Being that this was the series finale book I was hoping for a further into the future look at all three of these couples. The ending I got was really just an happy for now which left me a little disappointed.

MILO...Sigh. Milo was OK. I preferred his character in the first two books. In this one, he came across too wishy-washy. Especially in his inner thoughts. I wanted him to be the bada$$ sadist he was in the first two books. That said, he had a few moments (few and far between as they were) that I got glimpses of the sadist Milo, so he wasn't a complete wash. I also loved that he was all about Alice (no OW) once they reconnect.

ALICE...What can I say, I struggled with Alice's character as well. I prefer my heroes to do the chasing so I got a bit annoyed with Alice doing all the chasing. I really wanted her to say; “You know what? You don't want to try to have a relationship with me, fine. I'll go find someone who will”. Obviously, there wouldn't have been a book if that happened, but it would have been nice for Milo to at least ONCE be pushing for a relationship instead of Alice always throwing herself at him. C'est la vie.


There weren't all that many secondary characters in this one. We see a little of both couples from the previous books. We also see a bit of both Milo's and Alice's parents, but this was a more main character driven book.

Medium. There are a handful of spicey scenes in this one. Some are pretty hardcore. Actually, pretty much all of them are hardcore. This couple actually never has “sweet” sex, which wasn't an issue for me. Milo is a sadist, so we get a lot of pain. Whipping. Tying up. Nipple and clit clips. Anal, etc. I was a bit disappointed at the lack of scenes in the Gallery. Again, because of how Milo was portrayed in the first two books I was expecting more.

Highish. Milo pushes Alice away a lot and is a jerk quite a few times. That said, there is no OW drama or OM drama. Milo is not with any other women after he reconnects with Alice. Although, he does go to the Gallery and attends a B-day party gang bang (but doesn't take part). Neither were virgins. Just as a side note, can I just say how tired I am of the cliché “pushing 40 years old player that never had a serious relationship and sleeps with a different woman every week.” hero.

So yea, this one was a bit of a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed it, but it had quite a few things that left me MEH. I struggle with both main characters (especially Milo). Maybe my expectations got the better of me (shrug). That said, the series overall was pretty damn good. This author is a fantastic writer. This book was fast paced and the plot engaging. Therefore yours truly is going to give this one a solid thumbs up.

June 4, 2018