Dark Arts and a Daiquiri
2018 • 8 pages


Average rating3.9


This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader as part of a quick takes post, the point of which is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness..

For book 2 to remove our non-magical bartender to a guild of Magic Users from the Guild Members for the majority of the book is a pretty gutsy move. I'm not sure it was the right way to go, and I'm not sure it was successful. But it was gutsy.

The story was...okay, I guess. It really didn't do a lot for me, but the last few chapters—pretty much when Tori reunites with her friends made the whole thing worth it. And the Dresden File hat-tip was fantastic.

I'm still in on this series/group of series, but I bet when all is said and done, this'll be the one to forget.

October 25, 2021