Dark & Beastly Fae


Average rating4


3,5 stars that wanted to instil more emotions but sadly didn't because the potential was certainly there for me

- really like Nissa's power, i have a soft spot for farming games or novels so she's right up my alley. would read a spin-off where we just get her enjoying her faming life
- sexy times are quite enjoyable to read
- after our handsome fae king stops being a douche he actually listens when Nissa tells him to stop or that something bothers her and i'm living for that. mutual respect is hot and i wish more authors would understand that
-the murder cases were interesting, which we'd spend more time investigating

- every time i read the words my female/the female/my male etc. something inside me dies and all i can see is an ape thumping their chest

November 10, 2023