Dark origins

Dark origins


Average rating3


Well, for Zuiker's first book I'll give it a definite A for effort. In general, it was an entertaining book and it had me squeamish at some times. Squeegal, the main antagonist of the book is one creepy, insane man and Zuiker made that abundantly clear in the painstaking detail he gave to every murder and every thought going through Squeegal's mind. I found that the book became a little predictable towards the end. There was going to be only one way that it ended and also they had to put in the beginnings of what will eventually make this a book series. The main problem for me is that there was a whole lot fluff (and by fluff I mean gory, disgusting details) to camouflage a weak follow through with the plot. Squeegal's reason for killing is never really understood or explained properly. There is some talk about religious reason. Maybe he's killing because of the 7 cardinal sins or the 7 virtues, but Zuiker doesn't really go into that instead fast forwards to another gruesome scene.

This book probably would've done really well as a TV series and I wouldn't be surprised if he's asked to adapt it to something along the lines of Criminal Minds, because that is essentially what the team in the book is doing.

As for the digital media, I thought it was a hassle. Reading it on audiobook I'm almost never around my computer to get to it in time to view the little clips that are scattered throughout the book. I ended up viewing maybe two and they didn't really forward the plot for me or anything so I don't think they were really essential to understanding the book. Just more fluff.

Overall, if you're into crime fiction/mystery give this book a try.

December 2, 2009