Dark Places

Dark Places

2009 • 349 pages


Average rating3.8


Reading this confirmed that I don't like reading thrillers, just as I don't like watching them. But, I really liked Gone Girl (the film), so when I saw this in the bargain section of a bookstore, I thought - hey, maybe this author writes a thriller I can get behind. Thought wrong.

Let this also be a record that I am far too imaginative and become far too invested in books for thrillers to be a good idea for me, ever, let alone right before I try to fall asleep. Incorporating this book into my pre-bedtime routine resulted in several nights of panicky lost sleep. Not because the book was particularly scary. All it takes it the premise of it all to get my mind going: Satan-worshipping cow-killers, axe-murderers hacking away at a poor farm family in the dead of a winters' night, the psychological trauma that ensues for a survivor of such an incident, etc. etc.

I will say, I did appreciate the ending. Felt neatly tied up and left the whole killing thing feeling less trivialized, more meaningful. But alas, not enough to make me rave about the book: which, though well-written and expertly sequenced, still is just not my cuppa tea.

May 12, 2017