Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

2004 • 306 pages


Average rating3.6


I'm a fan of the show. It's the driving reason behind why I picked up the book in the first place and in my opinion it didn't disappoint. If you don't know the premise by now: Dexter is a polite, likable blood splatter analyst by day and a calm, collected serial killer by night only preying on those who fit the code his foster father taught him. Unlike the show the books goes a little bit more indepth into why Dexter does what he does. The “Dark Passenger” only fleetingly introduced in season 1 of the show and the subsequent likening the dark passenger to a heroin addiction in season 2 is not what drives Dexter. Instead, the book makes it seem as if it's almost a separate entity of Dexter controlling him and telling him what to do.

There are obviously some differences between the show and the book but overall I enjoyed it independently from the direction the show decided to go in. The only gripe I have with the book is that Dexter is this genius while everyone around him can barely tie their own shoelaces. The only reason it seems that Dexter is not getting caught is because he surrounded himself with the stupidest cops in the history of the police force. Though this is even comically mentioned in the book that the cops are somewhat not on the bright side.

Overall I definitely enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to picking up the next in the series.

January 8, 2010