Das Mädchen mit dem Stahlkorsett

Das Mädchen mit dem Stahlkorsett

2011 • 368 pages


Average rating3.4


When I started this, I kept thinking, “this is the steampunk version of Twilight.” A good, fun read, but nothing to get too excited about. But as I read on, I started thinking that less and less. Maybe because it was getting better, maybe because I just got into the story fully. Doesn't matter.

Midly predictable plot, but entertainingly told. The characters are engaging and frustrating (in a way that serves to underline how much you like them). The steam-tech is fun and well thought out. The whole super-power thing? Very well executed. Super Powers and Steampunk? That's some peanut butter you can get in my chocolate, anytime.

Fun, fun, read–with a good jump start to the sequel.

June 27, 2012