I've read the 1st 2 books in the series and enjoyed them, however there are a few problems with this 3rd book.

I'm a mystery addict and love a whodunit but there are times when authors just throw too many suspects and subplots into a book. After about the 1st 2 chapters I had to use a large pc of writing paper to try to keep up with all the characters, relationships to each other etc. If you can handle a book like this you will love it!

My biggest complaint is that the whole story takes place in Indiana during the summer time. A movie studio is filming a Christmas story and needs the main character (Merry) to help with decorations and crafts. I can't understand why the author could not have used the 1st 2 books location and the story happening during the period between Thanksgiving & Christmas! If I'm reading a cozy mystery centered around Christmas I want it to take place during that period!

I also think that the author could start adding a little romance into the main character. She seems cold as ice when it comes to romantic involvement!

Most of the author's fans will like this book and I do believe I will continue reading the series and maybe try 1 of here other series! This book however was just a bit of a let down for me!
David N.

September 28, 2021