Average rating4
I really question why it has taken me so long to start this trilogy. I absolutely LOVE Laini Taylor's writing! The rich, lyrical descriptions just suck me in and create an atmosphere I want to drown in. Her magical worlds are places I want to visit. Whether it was her Faeries of Dreamdark books, which are probably my favourite books about faeries ever, or the magical treasure that is Strange the Dreamer, Laini manages to craft stories that I'm enchanted by.
I think some early reviews that said the love story was a bit too in the ‘love at first sight' category made me hesitate, as I too don't particularly care for that trope, but I shouldn't have listened to that and gone with my gut! I have literally had these books on my shelf for YEARS and I regret it!
With that quibble aside, Laini Taylor creates a mysterious and mythical world that caught me in its snare immediately. Again, her lyrical writing just oozes atmospheric magic. Prague felt like an entrancing character all its own. I wanted to get on a plane and go there to walk the streets and wrap myself in the history, culture and character of the city. And that's just the real Prague we know, then there are other worlds you only glimpse at during the story. Worlds of supernatural creatures, magic and enigmatic secrets. I was definitely a fan of the world-building.
I also found the main character Karou to be a pleasant surprise. I liked her quite a lot. She wasn't moody, sullen or a Mary-Sue. She has quirkiness, passion and spunk and it was so refreshing and honestly a bit inspiring to have a more upbeat lead character. She also has a big heart and values friendship, which I felt drawn too.
Okay, now the loaded love story part. It honestly didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It niggles, I won't lie, but I suppose when your story is about star-crossed lovers it's almost a given that there will be an almost unbelievable connection between the two and falling in love immediately seems par for the course. I think the ending saves it a bit, but I can't give that away, so you'll have to decide for yourself. If you're dead against that type of love story, steer clear, however, if you can even have a sliver of suspended belief on that part, I think you'll be well rewarded with the rest of story and still on board for the love story part.
Lastly, the ending is a banger. It came so hard and fast with so many little pieces falling into place that all I wanted to do was speed read through it, while also appreciating how much backstory the whole thing was leading up to. Ending on a cliff-hanger was a groaner (in a good way), but I guess the positive side of waiting so long to read this means I can go straight into Book 2. And I am SO ready for the next book!
Overall highly recommended. Best YA fantasy I've read in a LONG time. I'm sorry Laini Taylor for waiting so long to read this book. I won't wait next time, I promise.