Day of Doom
2013 • 270 pages


Average rating3.8


I've been reading this series ever since it started back when I was in Middle School. Now, 5/6 years later reading the finale of the second series I am thoroughly disappointed. While some things in the plot weren't ideal, I didn't mind it and it was fine overall. However the writing was appalling.

First off:

Fiske. What. Since when did he become a kick-ass, “old fart”, sarcastic guy? His character is supposedly somber and composed. Every time the phrase “old fart” came up I rolled my eyes in dismay. Eugh.

Jamy and Evan– Okay I knew that things have been developing between Jake and Amy and I was fine with the love square but Ian's feelings for Amy were completely disregarded save for 1 page in this book. Evan was also thrown into the shadows barely being noted by Amy. When they met in 'Heaven" it was so awkward and as if they were just friends... Where as in Book 1 of the series they were enamored with another. The scene in the train station was sooooo overly sappy and FAKE. Neither of those characters would ever have actually done something like that in other novels.

Heaven: If he was going to have a scene there he should've brought characters from the WHOLE series like Erasmus, William, GRACE, Irina... It feel like he didn't even read the other books. (I doubt he did)

Isabel - I'm sure he thought that adding in the scene with the whole gas on the train would be funny, but Dan isn't 9 anymore, it was not needed and out of character and was a sorry attempt at lightening the mood of the book. Her being AJT was good though, that seemed in character.

Vesper 1 - C'mon. Sooo anticlimactic, no connections made to the burn, the phone, his power. You meet him, get very little description, very little thoughts from the other characters about him. Then he's gone. Okay then.

Anyways. If you have read the series, do read this book because a lot does happen and the plot is good overall. But just try to skip over the poor writing and be glad there will be new authors for the next series. If just starting out go back to book one of the clue hunt so you can follow the characters not be thrown into this false depiction of them.

March 25, 2013