Deacon King Kong

Deacon King Kong



Average rating4.2


I had to do this one on audio because I'm still 4 weeks out on my library request for a print/e copy. Note-also, I had to work a little to get into this one because we meet a whole bunch of characters right away and it took me a minute to get everyone and the setting straight. Then I settled into it. My only gripe was that it was a bit too long. I was fatigued in the middle. This is one of the first times I read something where the subplots were driving the story more than the main plot which is pretty much summed up on the back cover. Rest assured everything snapped into place in the end. There were some laugh-out-loud moments in this book that made my day. Around the mid-point it finally occurred to me the book this reminds me of the most: [b:Cannery Row 4799 Cannery Row (Cannery Row #1) John Steinbeck 824028]. Here we have a story told with a nostalgic charm that is filled with unique characters in a story that is deeply, deeply American.

January 28, 2021