2014 • 418 pages • 12h 2m


Average rating5


This is my first Irene Hannon book and first purchase in the Christian suspense genre. I couldn't resist a 50% off sale around Christmastime, though it took me awhile to get to it. I have since found book 2 on a good sale as well as one of her contemporary romances, and am currently partway through “Against All Odds”, which I've got from the library. So you could say I enjoyed the writing in just a little bit!

Solid 4.5 stars. It caught my attention at once and drew in my sympathies not just for the searching mother, PI, and little boy, but surprisingly even making me pity the deep-dyed villain and his losing fight for a normal life. Even though he deserved every ounce of his desserts, he was a multifaceted character that shows just how easily the average human can become a monster when they give in to impulses. The story was very believable and very well written.

April 19, 2015