Average rating4.5
4.5 stars
Whew, this one was my favorite of the series so far! Going in I got worried because of the tragedy in Jamie's past and how heavy a subject that would be (sexual abuse by someone in her childhood). First of all I was impressed of how perfectly Cara Putman got the emotions and the situation down to wring my heart, and yet stayed away from the tiny details that would have done no more than gross me out and make me take a break from the reading. Excellent balance there, that left me thinking of Jamie's situation and feeling her pain without having to get buried under sordid and sensational word pictures.
The thriller portion itself was full of twists and turns, including a case where Jamie gets to really put her heart to work to get a child protected.
Just so much to love in this one, overall!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free review copy. No favorable review was required.