Average rating4.1
I think this is now my favorite romance novel and favorite book I've read so far this year. The way that the characters are so clearly defined and feel real is something that I feel is missing from most romances. With that being said, the relationship that surprised me the most was not the main romantic pair of Delilah and Clair, which I will get to, but rather the relationship between Delilah and her step sister Astrid. I have at times been on either side of that sibling dynamic, the one not understanding and the one not being understood. I almost cried at then where instead of the expected romantic interest that shows up to the big event it was her, working to extend the olive branch.
Of course it is the relationship between Clair and Delilah that we are all here for and it was done wonderfully. Usually I am not a fan of the “sisters best friend” trope, but it works very well here. Their rough history with eachother is acknowledged throughout instead of being brushed aside. And the tender moments and other scenes are done very well, with emotion and tension between them a driving force.
Ruby was also a surprise to me, as it is extremely difficult to find well written children characters that act their age. There were even a few moments that I even sided with Josh, don't get me started on how Clair invited her friends to his and Ruby's camping trip!
The one thing that I didn't particularly care for was the ending with Josh and the house, as it didn't really make any sense to me.
Overall, I loved this book and the characters of Bright Falls! I have Astrids book on my shelf that I'm saving for the future, and am very excited for Iris' book!